SMU-Microsoft Asian Dialogues on AI Governance
Asia is the source of many cutting-edge AI technologies and is also a leading region for the adoption of AI. However, such developments are not uniform or as influential across all Asian markets. Questions concerning the utility and sustainability of AI technologies are driving an increased debate about AI governance in the region – with many academic and research institutions actively participating in this debate.
AI-IP Interface (Google)
The Colloquium, supported by Google, brings together a group of experts—including academics and practitioners—that represents a cross-section of stakeholders implicated at the nexus of AI and intellectual property law. Over three workshops, participants will share their knowledge and experience with a focus on the APAC region and seek to identify a set of salient questions on which impactful research can be conducted.
Research Project in Computational Law (RPCL)
This research programme aims to create and design a common language for law. With such a language as a common denominator, the different aspects of law (be it contracts, regulations, or business logic/processes) can then talk to each other, and allow the various actors and participants in law to likewise interact with each other. In computer science, this common language is called a DSL (a domain-specific language). It is a programming language founded on mathematics and rules of logic, and specifically designed to take into account the nuances and intricacies of law.
Research Programme on the Governance of AI and Data Use (RPGAIDU)
In 2018, the SMU Yong Pung How School of Law was awarded a S$4.5M grant by the National Research Foundation (NRF) and the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA), following a competitive application process among several institutes of higher learning in Singapore, to establish the five-year Research Programme on the Governance of AI and Data Use at the Centre for AI & Data Governance (now the Centre for Digital Law).