About Us
What is Centre for Digital Law?
The term "digital law" reflects the dynamic and transformative impact of digital technology on societies and their legal systems worldwide. As digital technologies reshape every facet of human activity, the legal challenges they present grow increasingly complex. At the same time, contemporary scholarship is taking an “institutional turn” in which the role of law in constituting social structures such as firms and markets gains increased attention. The Centre for Digital Law adopts this broad and flexible term to capture the multifaceted interactions between law and the digital realm, capturing both the law and regulation of digital technologies and digitally-enabled social interactions and the digitalisation of the law and legal institutions themselves.

Our Mission
The Centre’s mission is to bolster Singapore’s position as a leader in digital transformation in Asia and advance a vision of the “smart nation” that is conducive to human flourishing in the next century. Through world-class contributions to life-long education and foundational and translational research, the Centre will bring a responsible and informed regional voice to the global discussion of technology-driven trends, their impact on society and their governance and regulation.
Our Vision
The Centre’s vision is to become the premier law and technology research centre in Asia, integrating expertise from law, computer science, and digital humanities. The Centre will become a node for connecting a global intellectual community drawn from academia, wider civil society, industry, and government and provide a forum to discuss and debate the questions that matter. The Centre will become and remain a trusted and valued “critical friend” to those building, buying, and regulating the technologies that are changing our society and have a meaningful and measurable positive impact on the digital society, economy, and government that is evolving in this decade.